books by publisher
Michael O'Mara

You Know You're Past It When...

The Nature Book: What It Is and How It Lives

The Weather Book: Why It Happens and Where It Comes From

A Classical Education: The Stuff You Wish You'd Been Taught At School (I Used to Know That ...)

You Know You're Middle-Aged When...

Divorced, Beheaded, Died...: The History of Britain's Kings and Queens in Bite-sized Chunks

Spilling the Beans on the Cat's Pyjamas: Popular Expressions - What They Mean and Where We Got Them

The Office Book: Howlers and Hilarity from the World of Work

Letters From The Trenches: A Soldier of the Great War

Everyday Maths for Grown-ups: Getting to grips with the basics

Under the Microscope: My Life

Brian and Me: Life on - and off - The Archers

Robin the Hoodie: An ASBO History of Britain

The Book of Senior Jokes: The Ones You Can Remember

F My Life: And You Thought You'd Had a Bad Day...

New Moan: The First Book in the Twishite Saga - A Parody

Think You Know it All?: The Activity Book for Grown-Ups (Know it All Quiz Books)

I Think, Therefore I Am: All the Philosophy You Need to Know

Universally Challenged: Quiz Contestants Say the Funniest Things

I Used to Know That: Geography

I Used to Know That: English

The Queen's English: And How to Use It

New Moan: The First Book in the Twishite Saga - A Parody

Simon Cowell: The Unauthorized Biography

Clichés: Avoid Them Like The Plague

An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman...: A mammoth compendium of the best jokes, gags and one-liners

Justin Bieber: The Unauthorized Biography

The Wicked Wit of Winston Churchill

The Book With No Name: The International Bestseller (The Bourbon Kid Trilogy)