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Microsoft Press,U.S.

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Microsoft Windows XP Plain & Simple

By Gerald Joyce, Marianne Moon

Microsoft Publisher 2000 at Glance

By Perspection, Inc.

Word 2000 at a Glance

By Perspection, Inc.

Quick Course in Excel 2000

By Online Press

Microsoft Outlook 97 Field Guide

By Stephen L. Nelson

Microsoft Access 97 at a Glance

By Perspection, Inc.

Excel 97 Developers Kit

By Baarns Consulting Group

Microsoft Windows 98 Architecture Training

By Microsoft Press, Microsoft Corporation

Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft (R) Windows Server" 2003 Environment, Second Edition: MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-290)

By Dan Holme, Orin Thomas

Object Oriented Programming with Visual Basic.NET and Visual C# Step by Step

By Catapult Inc.

Microsoft Visual C++.NET Step by Step Version 2003

By Julian Templeman, Andy Olsen

Windows PowerShell 2.0 Administrator's Pocket Consultant

By William Stanek

Microsoft Windows Command-line Administrators Pocket Consultant

By William R. Stanek

Active Directory Administrator's Pocket Consultant

By William Stanek

Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on Microsoft (R) Windows (R) XP, Second Edition: MCDST Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-272)

By Tony Northrup, Walter Glenn

Windows Server 2008 Administrator's Pocket Consultant

By William Stanek

Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft (R) Windows (R) XP Operating System, Second Edition: MCDST Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-271)

By Tony Northrup, Walter Glenn

Windows Vista Plain & Simple

By Gerald Joyce, Marianne Moon

Introducing Web T.V.

By Jill T. Freeze, Wayne S. Freeze

Microsoft Office XP Plain and Simple

By Carol Brown, Resources Online

Programming with MFC: Vol.2

By Microsoft

Office 2000 Visual Basic Fundamentals Step-by-step

By D. Boctor

Writing Secure Code

By Microsoft Press

Networking Essentials

By Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out

By Jim Buyens

Microsoft Office 97 at a Glance

By Perspection Inc

Windows NT Resource Kit: v. 3: Optimizing Windows NT

By Russ Blake

SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit

By Microsoft Press

Developing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0: MCSD Training Kit

By Microsoft Press, Microsoft, Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Word 2010 Step by Step

By Joan Lambert, Joyce Cox