books by publisher

Linden Hills

Metamorphosis and others stories

Lucie's Long Voyage




Mad Meg

The Grapes of Wrath

The Hottentot Room

Kruger's Alp

Friends of Promise

The Blindfold Horse: Memories of a Persian Childhood

Drink to the Bird: An Omagh Boyhood Recalled

Parable of the Blind

A Book of Spells
The Civilization of Islam

Plus beaux jardins de France

Nothing Natural

The Commitments

Of Mice and Men
The World of the Persians

The Minerva Anthology of 20th Century Women's Writing

Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man


The Karnau Tapes

Mind Readings: Writers' Journeys Through Mental States

The Death of the Author

Women's Decameron

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Vintage classics)