books by publisher
Modern Humanities Research Association
Modern Language Review (109: 4) October 2014
MHRA Style Guide. A Handbook for Authors, Editors, and Writers of Theses. Second Edition.
Style Book: Notes for Authors, Editors and Writers of Dissertations
Delisle de Sales, 'Théâtre D'Amour' & Baculard D'Arnaud, 'L'art de Foutre, Ou Paris Foutant': Critical Texts, Phoenix, Volume 3 (Mhra Phoenix)
Year Book of English Studies: 1978 v. 8
1981 (v. 56) (Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature)
Mlr July 2012
Mlr January 2012
Modern Language Review (110: 4) October 2015
MHRA Style Book: Notes for Authors, Editors and Writers of Theses
Modern Language Review (109: 2) April 2014
Modern Language Review (109: 1) January 2014
Modern Language Review (108: 4) October 2013
Mlr July 2013
Mlr April 2013
Mhra Style Guide. a Handbook for Authors and Editors. Third Edition.
Mlr October 2012