books by publisher
Monarch Books

77 Bible Studies for 21st Century Mums
China's Christian Millions

Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament

Don't Beat Yourself Up: Learning the wisdom of Kindsight

In Celebration of Simplicity: The joy of living lightly

Sound Bites: Seasonal sketches with punch and wit for instant performance

Reason and Faith: Do Science and Theology Really Conflict?

Freedom in Christ Leader's Guide: A 13-week course for every Christian

Festo Kivengere: The Authorised Biography

Seen and Heard

Christian Youth Work

Going Empty Handed

Evangelism (without Sounding Spiritual)

Winning Hearts, Changing Minds: When the Western World Ignores the Gospel, What Should Christians Do?

Blowing Your Cover: Workbook: Christianity . . . Living It, Sharing It

Faith in Tough Places: Three Stories of Faith in Action from Asia's Mission Fields

Set Me on Fire: What it means to be filled with the presence of God

A Passionate Faith: What makes an evangelical?

Somebody's Child: The story of a man who found hope - and took it back to the streets

The Dream of You: Let go of broken identities and live the life you were made for

The Hansie Cronje Story: An Authorised Biography

The Monarch Book of Christian Wisdom

Reflections from the Scorched Earth: A witness from some of the world's toughest war zones

Reflections from the Scorched Earth: A Witness from Some of the World's Toughest War Zones

When Faith Gets Shaken: Second Edition

Moving in the Prophetic: A Biblical Guide to Effective Prophetic Ministry Today

Honourably Wounded

Dear God, It's Me and It's Urgent: Prayers for every season of a woman's life

52 Ideas for Junior Classroom Assemblies