books by publisher
Neil Wilson Publishing

The Football Almanac 1993 - 94

The Malt Whisky Almanac: A Taster's Guide

Scotch Missed: Lost Distilleries of Scotland

Haud Yer Wheesht!: Your Scottish Granny's Favourite Sayings

Rob Roy MacGregor

A Touch of Treason

They Belonged to Glasgow: The City from the Bottom Up

The Backpacker's Cookbook

Travels in Galloway: Memoirs from South-west Scotland

Malt Whisky Almanac: A Taster's Guide

Once Upon a Time in Glasgow: The City from the Earliest Times

The Glasgow Almanac: An A-Z of the City and Its People

Whaur's Yer Wullie Shakespeare Noo?!: Scotland's Millennium Souvenir (Scottish Literature)

Last of the Puffermen: The Real World of the Para Handy

Scottish Covenanter Stories: Tales from the Killing Time

The Munro Almanac