books by publisher
New Directions

James Joyce: A Critical Introduction: 87 (New Directions Paperbook)

Collected Poems of Wilfred Owen (New Directions Books)
Pictures from Brueghl and Other Poems
The Secret Meaning of Things
Quite Early One Morning

The Holy Terrors: (Les Enfants Terribles) (New Directions Paperbook, Ndp212)

Trilogy: The Walls Do Not Fall / Tribute to the Angels / the Flowering of the Rod (New Directions Paperbook)

Paris Spleen (New Directions Paperbook): 1869: 294

Selected Poems

An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter (New Directions Paperbook)

Selected Essays of William Carlos Williams

The Poems of St. John of the Cross

The Vienna Paradox: A Memoir (New Directions Paperbook)

Wisdom of the Desert: 295 (New Directions Paparback)

Asian Journal (A New Directions Paperbook) (New Directions Books)

Devils in Daylight

A Tree Within – Poetry (New Directions Paperbook)


Madness in the Family (New Directions Paperbook): Stories: 691

The Henry Miller Reader (New Directions Paperbook)

Selected Poems (Paper Only): 66 (New Directions Paperbook)

Kanthapura (New Directions Paperbook): Indian Novel

Season in Hell (New Directions Paperback)

Selected Writings

Alphabetical Africa (New Directions Books)

Turtle Island (New Directions Book) (New Directions Books)

FREEING OF THE DUST PA (New Directions Books)

Death on the Installment Plan (ND Paperbook)

The Sea & Poison: 0737 (Revived Modern Classic)