books by publisher
New Riders

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers

Chasing the Light: Improving Your Photography with Available Light (Voices That Matter)

Introducing HTML5 (Voices That Matter)

The Photoshop Elements 11 Book for Digital Photographers (Voices That Matter)

The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 Book for Digital Photographers

Homepage Usability: 50 Websites Deconstructed

XML, HTML, XHTML Magic (Magic (New Riders))

Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design (Voices (New Riders))

Search Engine Visibility

Dessigning Web Usability

Flash MX Magic

The Photoshop CS2 Book for Digital Photographers

Foundations of Web Design: Introduction to HTML & CSS

Undercover User Experience Design (Voices That Matter)

Brand Gap, The: Revised Edition (Aiga Design Press)

VisionMongers: Making a Life and a Living in Photography

Brand Flip, The: Why customers now run companies and how to profit from it (Voices That Matter)

Inside AutoCAD

Windows NT Server Professional Reference

Flash 4 Magic

Creating Killer Web Sites

Secrets of Successful Web Sites

The Photoshop Book for Digital Photographers

344 Questions: The Creative Person's Do-It-Yourself Guide to Insight, Survival, and Artistic Fulfillment (Voices That Matter)

Adobe Photoshop CS Down & Dirty Tricks (Down and Dirty Tricks)

Designing with Web Standards (Voices That Matter)

Taking Your Talent to the Web: A Guide for the Transitioning Designer: Making the Transition from Graphic Design to Web Design

The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web

Eric Meyer on CSS: Mastering the Language of Web Design (Voices)