books by publisher
New Wine Press

Changing of the Guard: The Rising of Generation X

40 Days of Love

Pastoral Prayer Ministry Teams in the Local Church

When Your Partner Doesn't Know Jesus

Can I Really Know the Holy Spirit?

The Lord's Orchard: God'scharter for Reformation

War on God's People: The People of the Book

Redeeming Our Communities: 21st Century Miracles of Social Transformation

Knowing God as Father

God of Wonder

You Can Develop Strong Faith

Deeper Healing for the Human Spirit

Encountering God: Joy and Healing Through Meeting with Your Heavenly Father

Flying Free with God: Living in the Truth of God's Love

Generational and family Blessings

We Dance Because We Cannot Fly: Stories of Redemption from Heroin to Hope

The Audacious Revolution: 10 Steps to Being Audacious for God

Sailaway: Discovering the Holy Spirit on a World Cruise

Legs of Lamb: The Story of One Man's Prayer Walk Around the Coast of Britain

Healing the human spirit

Keep Taking the Tablets!: A Prescriptive Guide to the 10 Commandments

Our Eyes Fixed on Jesus

Expecting God to speak to you!

Worship and the Presence of God

Freedom from Generational Sin/Generational and Family Blessing

Healing / Deeper Healing for the Human Spirit

The Trumpet Sounds for Britain: Volumes 1, 2 and 3 in One Edition

Eyes Turned Skywards

The Hungry Always Get Fed: A Year of Miracles