books by publisher
Nova Science Publishers Inc

Silenced Women

Concise History of Breast Cancer

Science as a Cultural Expression

Coumarin Anticoagulant Research Progress

Progress in Virus Research

Aging and Western Society: A Critical Approach (Social Perspectives in the 21st Century)

Contemporary Issues in Intellectual Disabilities (Disability Studies)

Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks from Theory to Reality

Focus on Tuberculosis Research

Computational Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Analysis & Applications (Mechanical Engineering Theory and Applications)

Advances in Chemistry Research: v. 4: Volume 4

India & the U.S.: Future Relations, Business & Background (Asian Political, Economic and Security Issues Series)

Economics of Natural and Human Resources in Agriculture

Hypertension, Heredity and Stroke (Cerebrovascular Research and Disorders)

Mental Depression: Forms, Causes and Treatment (Depression-Casues, Diagnosis and Treatment): Forms, Causes & Treatment (Depression- Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment)

Trends in Pulsar Research

International Political Economy

Robot Vision: New Research

Tourism Economics: Concepts and Practices: Concepts & Practices

Military Psychiatry: New Developments (Psychiatry Theory, Applications, and Treatments Series) (Psychiatry: Theory, Applications & Treatments)

Presidential Elections in the United States: A Primer

Subcortical Vascular Dementia

Condensed Matter at the Leading Edge

Computational Biology: New Research

Focus on Exercise and Health Research

New Developments in Nutrition Research

Rabies: Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention (Virology Research Progress): Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Free Trade Agreements and Other Consultations Under Trade Promotion Authority