books by publisher
O Books

God, Energy and the Field

Wise Fool`s Guide to Leadership

The Way of Thomas: Nine Insights for Enlightened Living from the Secret Sayings of Jesus

Fear of Music - Why People Get Rothko But Don`t Get Stockhausen

Relax Kids: The Wishing Star

Developing Consciousness - A Roadmap of the Journey to Enlightenment

Everything is a Blessing

The Three Dangerous Magi: Osho, Gurdjieff, Crowley

Setting Jesus Free

One Self: Life as a Means of Transformation

Paths Between Head and Heart: Exploring the Harmonies of Science and Spirituality

Wisdom from the Western Isles - The Making of a Mystic

Developing Spiritual Intelligence: The Power of You

Spirituality or Religion? - Do we have to choose?

Go, Be Loving - You don`t have to wait to be loved

Thoughtful Guide to Faith

Other Prayers of Jesus

Tomorrow`s Christian

Time and Tide: Sea of Faith Beyond the Millennium

Quest – Exploring a Sense of Soul: Exploring a Sense of Soul: Growth and Nourishment for Your Spiritual Journey

Gargantua Now

Relax Kids: Aladdin's Magic Carpet

The Heart of All Knowing: Awakening Your Inner Seer

1000 World Prayers

The Trouble with God: Religious Humanism and the Republic of Heaven

Liberal Faith in a Divided Church

Head versus Heart - and our gut reactions: the twentyfirst century enneagram: The 21st Century Enneagram

The Meaning of David Cameron

Wide Awake Worship: Hymns and Prayers Renewed for the 21st Century