books by publisher
Octopus Bks.

History of World War II

Encyclopaedia of the Cat

Alsace (French Regional Cookery S.)

Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

High Fibre Cook Book (Recipes for good health)

Cooking without Additives (Bejam Handbooks)

Turn and Spell (Turn the wheel)

Turn and Spell (Turn the wheel)

French Cooking (Kitchen Library Series)

Wonderful World of Nature, The

Baby Animals (All Colour Books S.)

Where ( Family Books of Knowledge )

New Encyclopaedia of World Geography, The

Squash (Play to Win S.)

Butterflies (All Colour Paperbacks S.)

M. G. (Great Marques S.)

Instant Cooking (Bejam Handbooks)

New Diabetic Cookery (Recipes for good health)

Science Fiction Movies ([The movie treasury])

Selected Works (Treasury of world masterpieces)

Encyclopaedia of Science Fiction

Karate (Sports Action S.)

1000 Healthy Eating Recipes

Beauty Care (Home Library)

How To Read Handwriting: Understanding Personality Through Handwriting

Indian Cooking (Kitchen Library)

Tennis (Play to Win S.)

Story of Fuzzypeg the Hedgehog, The (The Little Grey Rabbit board books)

Children's Pictorial Atlas