books by publisher
Ohio University Press

Preaching Prevention: Born-Again Christianity and the Moral Politics of AIDS in Uganda

Conflict, Age and Power in North East Africa: Age Systems in Transition

Multi-party Politics in Kenya: The Kenyatta & Moi States & the Triumph of the System in the 1992 Election

Jihad in West Africa during the Age of Revolutions

Slavery in the Great Lakes Region of East Africa

Ouidah: The Social History of a West African Slaving Port, 1727-1892

Transgressing Boundaries: New Directions in the Study of Culture in Africa

Paths of Accommodation: Muslim Societies and French Colonial Authorities in Senegal and Mauritania, 1880-1920

Slavery and Reform in West Africa: Toward Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century Senegal and the Gold Coast

Slavery and Reform in West Africa: Toward Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century Senegal and the Gold Coast

Fighting the Slave Trade: West African Strategies

The Gun in Central Africa: A History of Technology and Politics

The History of Islam in Africa

Women and Slavery, Volume One: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic

Islands of Intensive Agriculture in Eastern Africa

Emancipation without Abolition in German East Africa, c. 1884-1914

East African Expressions of Christianity

War in Pre-Colonial Eastern Africa: The Patterns and Meanings of State-Level Conflict in the 19th Century

African Womanhood in Colonial Kenya, 1900-1950

Dams, Displacement, and the Delusion of Development: Cahora Bassa and Its Legacies in Mozambique, 1965-2007

Crisis and Decline in Bunyoro: Population & Environment in Western Uganda 1860-1955

Women, Work & Domestic Virtue in Uganda, 1900-2003

Themes in West Africa's History

Eroding the Commons: The Politics of Ecology in Baringo, Kenya, 1890s-1963

Mau Mau from Below

Social History and African Environments

Thinking Outside the Girl Box: Teaming Up with Resilient Youth in Appalachia

A Second Voice: A Century of Osteopathic Medicine in Ohio

Context Of Self: Phenomenological Inquiry