books by publisher

IP Routing

JavaScript: The Good Parts

Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales

Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought

Agile Web Development with Rails 5.1

Rails, Angular, Postgres and Bootstrap, 2e: Powerful, Effective, Efficient, Full-Stack Web Development

Pragmatic Guide to Git (Pragmatic Programmers)

iMovie ′11 and iDVD: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

iMovie – The Missing Manual: 2014 Release, Covers iMovie 10.0 for Mac and 2.0 for IOS (Missing Manuals)

iWork ′09: The Missing Manual (Missing Manuals)

Python in a Nutshell 2e (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))

Oracle in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))

Oracle Essentials 4e

Web Design in a Nutshell – A Desktop Quick Reference

Learning PHP 5

Windows NT in a Nutshell: A Desktop Quick Reference for System Administrators

Excel Scientific and Engineering Cookbook: Adding Excel to Your Analysis Arsenal (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))

Living Clojure: An Introduction and Training Plan for Developers

Java Security 2e

Spring – A Developer′s Notebook

Spring – A Developer′s Notebook

Java Swing

Machine Learning for Hackers: Case Studies and Algorithms to Get You Started

MPLS in the SDN Era: Interoperable Scenarios to Make Networks Scale to New Services

Creating Applications with Mozilla

Interactive Data Visualization for the Web

PHP Cookbook: 1

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iPad 2: The Missing Manual 2e