books by publisher
Other Press

Clinical Studies in Neuro-Psychoanalysis: Introduction to a Depth Neuropsychology

Cost of Courage, The

State of Israel vs. the Jews, The

Where Memory Leads : My Life

Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: An Introduction

What Lacan Said About Women: A Psychoanalytic Study (Contemporary Theory)

Lacan's Seminar on Anxiety: An Introduction (Lacanian Clinical Field)

Lacanian Psychotherapy With Children: The Broken Piano (Lacanian Clinical Field)

Clinical Lacan (Lacanian Clinical Field)

Introduction to the Reading of Lacan: The Unconscious Structured Like a Language (Lacanian Clinical Field)

Hysteria from Freud to Lacan: The Splendid Child of Psychoanalysis (Lacanian Clinical Field)

What Does a Woman Want? (Lacanian Clinical Field)

Four Lessons of Psychoanalysis

Against Adaptation: Lacan's Subversion of the Subject (Lacanian Clinical Field)