books by publisher
Overseas Development Institute

United Kingdom Aid to African Agriculture: Working Party Report

Forest Policies, Forest Politics

Range Ecology at Disequilibrium: New Models of Natural Variability and Pastoral Adaptation in African Savannas

Extension Alternatives in Tropical Africa

The Energy Industry and Global Warming: New Roles for International Aid

Recurrent Costs and Agricultural Development

Agricultural Biotechnology: Prospects for the Third World
Analytical Abstracts on Farmer Participatory Research

Theory and Practice in Plantation Agriculture: An Economic Review

The New Broker: Brokering Partnerships for Development

Managing Africa's Tropical Dry Forests: A Review of Indigenous Methods

The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwandan Experience: Study 1: Historical Perspective:Some Explanatory Factors

The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwandan Experience: Study II: Early Warning and Conflict Management

The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwandan Experience: Study IV: Rebuilding Post-War Rwanda

Development Research: The Environmental Challenge
GATT Uruguay Round: Effects on Developing Countries
Managing large irrigation schemes

Operational Security Management in Violent Environments

Working Papers 76. The Changing Role of Ngos in the Provision of Relif and Rehabilitation Assistance. Case Study 3.

Europe: 1992 and the Developing World (ODI Development Policy Studies)

Humanitarian Aid and Effects (Study III) (The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwandan Experience)

The Synthesis Report (The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwandan Experience)

Reform in Eastern Europe and the Developing Country Dimension (ODI Development Policy Study S.)

Democracy, Governance and Economic Policy: Sub-Saharan Africa in Comparative Perspective (ODI Development Policy Studies)

Europe and Africa: Issues in Post-colonial Relations

Africa's Multilateral Debt: A Modest Proposal

Fighting Poverty in Africa: Are PRSPs Making a Difference?