books by publisher
Packt Publishing

Joomla! 3, Beginner's Guide, 2nd Edition

Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 - Second Edition: Build responsive and future-proof websites to meet the demands of modern web users

Node.js Design Patterns: Master best practices to build modular and scalable server-side web applications, 2nd Edition

Mastering Blockchain: Deeper insights into decentralization, cryptography, Bitcoin, and popular Blockchain frameworks

Building Powerful and Robust Websites with Drupal 6: Build your own professional blog, forum, portal or community website with Drupal 6

Selling Online with Drupal e-Commerce: Walk through the creation of an online store with Drupal's e-Commerce module (From Technologies to Solutions)

Drupal 6 Themes: Create new themes for your Drupal 6 site with clean layout and powerful CSS styling

Oracle Coherence 3.5

Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization

Drupal 6 Site Blueprints

Drupal E-commerce with Ubercart 2.x

Data Visualization with D3.js Cookbook

Drupal 6 Attachment Views

Drupal 6 Panels Cookbook

Android 3.0 Animations: Beginner's Guide

Drupal Search Engine Optimization

HTML5 Game Development with GameMaker

Learning Joomla! 1.5 Extension Development: Creating Modules, Components, and Plugins with PHP

jQuery Reference Guide: A Comprehensive Exploration of the Popular JavaScript Library

Magento: Beginner's Guide

Magento 1.3: PHP Developer's Guide

Moodle 2.0 E-Learning Course Development

Python Machine Learning, 1st Edition: Unlock deeper insights into Machine Leaning with this vital guide to cutting-edge predictive analytics