books by publisher

Beyond the Frozen Sea: Visions of Antarctica

Breakdown: A Personal Crisis and a Medical Dilemma
The Human Brain

Salvador Dali: The Surrealist Jester (Paladin Books)

Whores of Babylon (Paladin Books)
Journey through Britiain

The Paladin Dictionary of Battles (Paladin Books)

Prehistory, an introduction
The Informed Heart

A Guide to Industrial Archaeology Sites in Britain (Paladin Books)

A Journey Through Ruins

Imaginary Women (Paladin Books)
Aneurin Bevan 1945-1960

Images of Africa (Paladin Books)

Black Skin, White Masks

Albert Einstein

Plough, Sword and Book

A Dictionary of Drugs (Paladin Books)

Good Morning Blues: The Autobiography of Count Basie (Paladin Books)
The decisive battles of the western world volume two
The decisive battles of the western world volume one

The Catholic: Novel (Paladin Books)

The Native (Paladin Books)

Only Yesterday (Paladin Books)

Horse Crazy

Peter Knows What Dick Likes (Paladin Books)
The Mound people

The Assumption of the Rogues and Rascals

Winston Churchill's Afternoon Nap: Wide Awake Inquiry into the Human Nature of Time (Paladin Books)