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Palgrave Macmillan

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John Keats: A Literary Life

By R. White

Islam, Migration and Integration: The Age of Securitization

By A. Kaya

The Last Caribbean Frontier, 1795-1815

By K. Candlin

Transnational Actors in Global Governance: Patterns, Explanations and Implications

By Christer Joensson, Jonas Tallberg

Equality. Diversity and Disadvantage in Employment

By M. Noon, E. Ogbonna

Polite Anarchy in International Relations Theory

By Z. Kazmi

The EU as a Global Security Actor: A Comprehensive Analysis beyond CFSP and JHA

By C. Kaunert, K. Zwolski

Making 'Postmodern' Mothers: Pregnant Embodiment, Baby Bumps and Body Image

By M. Nash

Occupying Political Science: The Occupy Wall Street Movement from New York to the World

By E. Welty, M. Bolton, M. Nayak, C. Malone

Democracy in the Age of Globalization and Mediatization

By H. Kriesi, D. Bochsler, J. Matthes, S. Lavenex, M. Buhlmann

Europe's Next Avoidable War: Nagorno-Karabakh

By M. Kambeck, S. Ghazaryan

Hong Kong Cinema Since 1997: The Post-Nostalgic Imagination

By V. Lee

Presenting Oprah Winfrey, Her Films, and African American Literature

By T. Green

Thinking Poetry: Philosophical Approaches to Nineteenth-Century French Poetry

By J. Acquisto

The Politics of Harry Potter

By B. Barratt

Premediation: Affect and Mediality After 9/11

By R. Grusin

Theorizing Desire: From Freud to Feminism to Film

By K. Gorton

Film Remakes, Adaptations and Fan Productions: Remake/Remodel

By K. Loock, C. Verevis

Cultural Heritages as Reflexive Traditions

By U. Kockel, M. Nic Craith, Kenneth A. Loparo

Foundations German 1: 1

By Tom Carty, Ilse Wührer

Issues in 21st Century World Politics

By M. Beeson, N. Bisley

Statistical Analyses for Language Testers

By R. Green

The Big Flatline: Oil and the No-Growth Economy

By Jeff Rubin

Conflict and Human Security in Africa: Kenya in Perspective

By A. Kumssa, J. Williams, J. Jones

Black Subjects in Africa and Its Diasporas: Race and Gender in Research and Writing

By B. Talton, Q. Mills

Tissue Culture in Science and Society: The Public Life of a Biological Technique in Twentieth Century Britain

By D. Wilson

Early Modern England and Islamic Worlds

By L. McJannet, Kenneth A. Loparo

The 'Invisible Hand' and British Fiction, 1818-1860: Adam Smith, Political Economy, and the Genre of Realism

By E. Courtemanche

Marx and Alienation: Essays on Hegelian Themes

By Sean Sayers

Managing Joint Innovation: How to balance trust and control in strategic alliances

By F. Bidault