books by publisher

Research Methods for Social Workers
1 available
Core Statutes on Contract, Tort and Restitution 2010-11 (Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes)

How to Study an E. M. Forster Novel: 113 (Palgrave Study Guides:Literature)

The Wars of the Roses: 20 (British History in Perspective)

"Hamlet" Contemporary Critical Essays (New Casebooks Series)

Physics and Astronomy (Dimensions of Science S.)

What is History Today...?

Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition: 17 (Palgrave Modern Linguistics)

How to Study a Shakespeare Play: 65 (Palgrave Study Guides:Literature)

An Introduction to English Language: Sound, Word and Sentence

Mastering Principles of Accounts (Macmillan Master S.)

Advanced mathematics 1: Bk. 1

How to Study Modern Drama (How to Study Literature)

Three Jacobean Revenge Tragedies: The "Revenger's Tragedy", Women Beware Women", "The Changeling": 17

Shakespeare: Antony and Cleopatra: 41 (Casebooks Series)

Sheridan: Comedies: 88 (Casebooks Series)

Nurse Prescribing

Formal Specification Using Z (Computer Science S.)

Gravity's Fatal Attraction: Black Holes in the Universe

Understanding Child Abuse

Dealing with Stress: 44 (Practical Social Work Series)

Multiple-choice Questions in Accident and Emergency: with explanatory answers

Psychology for Teachers: 1 (Psychology for Professional Groups)

Europe since 1945: A Concise History

Shakespeare: The Sonnets: 82 (Casebooks Series)

Criminal Law (Palgrave Macmillan Law Masters)

Core Statutes on Criminal Law 2012-13 (Palgrave Macmillan Core Statutes)

Political Science: A Comparative Introduction (Comparative Government and Politics)

Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare (Master Guides)