books by publisher
Pan Childrens

Blue Moon (The Immortals): 2

Waddington's Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Games

Brodie's Notes on William Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing"

Picture Storybook (Piper S.)

The Big Red Bus (Read Together S.)

Changes in Latitudes (Horizons)

Acts of Love (Horizons)

The Tales of the Otori Trilogy

Brodie's Notes on Chaucer's "Franklin's Tale"

General Certificate of Secondary Education French

Brodie's Notes on William Shakespeare's "King Richard II" (Pan study aids)

Brodie's Notes on Dylan Thomas' "Under Milk Wood"

Brodie's Notes on Charles Dickens' "Hard Times"

Princess Diaries [Paperback] (Princess Diaries)

The Hunting Dog, Read Together, Level 5

Willow: Junior Novel (Piper S.)