books by publisher
Parochial Vision: The Future of the English Parish: 17
CHRYSALIS PB (Faith in an Emerging Culture)
Micah's Challenge: The Church's Responsibility to the Global Poor
Divorce and Remarriage: Biblical solutions for pastoral realities
Youth Work After Christendom (After Christendom)
Paul as Apostle to the Gentiles (Paternoster Biblical and Theological Monographs) (Paternoster Biblical & Theological Monographs)
Mapping Messlanic Jewish Theology (Studies in Messianic Jewish Theology): A Constructive Approach
The Fall of a Sparrow: a Concept of Special Divine Action
Justification By Works: How Works Vindicate True Faith Sermons on James 1-3 (New Westminster Pulpit): New Westminster Pulpit Series
Beyond Charisma
A New Kind of Conversation: Blogging Toward a Postmodern Faith
Faith Lacking Understanding: Theology "Through a Glass, Darkly": Theology Ina Glass Darkly
Secret Warriors: Hidden Heroes of Mi6, Oss, Mi9, Soe and Sas
A Passion for God's Story: Your Place in God's Strategic Plan (Discovering Your Place in God's Strategic Plan)
Holy Spirit Baptism (Pocket Books)
Explosive Preaching: Letters on Detonating the Gospel in the 21st Century: Letters on Transformative Preaching for the 21st Century
What are we Waiting For? Christian Hope and Contemporary Culture
The One Year Josh McDowell's Family Devotions 2 (Beyond Belief Campaign)
Understanding, Expounding and Obeying God's Word: Methods and Advice to Help You Study and Apply the Bible
Literature Evangelism
No Turning Back
The Good God: Enjoying Father, Son and Spirit
Walking the Walk - The Rise of King David for Today: A Dramatic Exposition of 1 Samuel 16 - 2 Samuel 5:10.
The Day is Yours: Slow Spirituality in a Fastmoving World
Living the Dream: Joseph For Today A Dramatic Exposition of Genesis 37-50
The Unique and Universal Christ: Jesus in a Plural World
RE:MISSION PB (Faith in An Emerging Culture)
Faith and Politics After Christendom: The Church as a Movement for Anarchy
Finding God in the Shack: Conversations on an Unforgettable Weekend