books by publisher
Paternoster Press

Green Finger of God

Luke: Historian and Theologian

Solving the Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls: New Light on the Bible

New Testament Foundations: v. 2

New Testament Interpretation

Gospel of Luke: A Commentary on the Greek Text

Every Man a Bible Student

New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology Vol. 3

New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology v.2

The Cross in the New Testament
Who Was Adam?

Four Major Cults: Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventism, Christian Science (Mount Radford Reprints)

Jungle Doctor"s Crooked Dealings (The Jungle Doctor Series No. 16)
Ezekiel: The Man and His Message (Mount Radford Reprints)

Baptism in the New Testament (Mount Radford Reprints)

Universal Salvation?: The Current Debate

Survey of the New Testament

The Household of God

Kept by the Power of God: No. 7 (Biblical & Theological Classics Library)

The Mediation of Christ.

New International Dictionary of the Christian Church

Black and Free (Pocket Books)

Home Bible Studies: And How to Run Them

Monkey in a Lion's Skin (Jungle Doctor Picture Fables S.)

Harmony of the Gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke: v. 3 (Calvin's New Testament Commentaries)

Faith of a Surgeon: Belief and Experience in the Life of Arthur Rendle Short

From Tragedy to Triumph (Mount Radford Reprints)

Biblical Ethics (The Changing Continuity of Christian Ethics Vol.1)

The Lord's Supper from Wycliffe to Cranmer