books by publisher
Paulist Press International,U.S.
Throughout These Forty Days We Pray
Anglo-Saxon Spirituality: Selected Writings
Journey to Resurrection: Drama of Lent and Easter in the Gospel of John
Pain and Polemic: Anti-Judaism in the Gospels (A Stimulus Book)
Jacob Boehme: The Way to Christ
Mission Trends: No. 4: Liberation Theologies in North America and Europe
The Church and the World: Gaudium et Spes, Inter Mirifica
Sacramental Guidelines: A Companion to the New Catechism for Religious Education
Living the Days of Lent: 2007
Euthanasia: Moral and Pastoral Perspectives
Prayers of the Faithful: For Sundays, Feasts, and Seasons
From the Depth of the Well: An Anthology of Jewish Mysticism
Abraham Miguel Cardozo: Selected Writings
Alphonsus de Liguori: Selected Writings
Jean Gerson: Early Works
Wycliffite Spirituality
Hadewijch: The Complete Works
Scandinavian Pietists: Spiritual Writings from 19th-Century Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland
Jeanne Guyon: Selected Writings
Fenelon: Selected Writings
Gertrude of Helfta: The Herald of Divine Love
Bonaventure: The Soul's Journey into God, The Tree of Life, The Life of St. Francis
Miguel de Molinos: The Spiritual Guide
Norbert and Early Norbertine Spirituality
Late Medieval Mysticism of the Low Countries
Valentin Weigel: Selected Spiritual Writings
Celtic Spirituality
Schleiermacher (CWS): Christmas Dialogue, The Second Speech, and Other Selections
Theatine Spirituality: Selected Writings