books by publisher
Payne-Gallway Publishers

Successful I.T.Projects in Excel

Flash MX 2004 Right from the Start (Right from the Start S.)

Advanced ECDL: Database (Payne-Gallway Advanced ECDL)

D202: Multimedia (DiDA)

iMedia: OCR Level 2 Certificate/Diploma: OCR Level 2 Certificate/diploma (OCR iMedia)

ICT for OCR National Level 2 Student Book: Unit 1 ICT skills for business and Unit 21 Creating computer graphics: Units 1 and 21 Student Book (OCR Nationals in ICT Level 2)

ICT for OCR National Level 2 Student Book: Units 4, 22 and 23 Student Book

ICT for OCR National Level 2 Student Book: Unit 2 Webpage creation and Unit 20 Creating animation for the WWW using ICT (OCR Nationals in ICT Level 2)

ICT for OCR National Level 2 Student Book: Unit 3 Digital imaging plan and produce computer graphics and Unit 5 Desktop publishing: Units 3 and 5 Student Book (OCR Nationals in ICT Level 2)

A Level ICT for AQA with CD-ROM

Pass ECDL 5 Units 1-7