books by publisher

Basic Spreadsheets For Schools

Basic Word Processing For Schools (It Skills for Schools)

'A' Level ICT (2nd Edition)

Successful IT Projects In Access

Basic Web Page Creation Using Word 2000-2002 (Basic ICT)

Tackling Computer projects in Access with VBA (4th Edition) (GCE Computing)

'A' Level Computing (5th Edition) (GCE Computing)

ECDL Part 2 Unit E - Using IT (Payne-Gallway Pass ECDL)

Photoshop Elements Right from the Start (Right from the Start guides)

Basic Paint Shop Pro 8 (Basic ICT)

Learning to Program in Pascal and Delphi (GCE Computing)

Intermediate GNVQ Information Communication Technology (Compulsory Units) (GCSE)

'A2' ICT (3rd Ed) (GCE ICT)

'AS' Level ICT (3rd Ed) (GCE ICT)

'A' Level ICT (3rd Edition) (GCE ICT)

'A' Level Information Technology

Basic HTML (2nd Edition) (Basic ICT)

Further Word 2000-2002 (Further ICT)

Basic Access 2000-2002 (Basic ICT)

Computing Projects in Visual Basic.Net (GCE Computing)

Basic Internet (3rd Edition) (Basic ICT)

Computers Right from the Start (Right from the Start guides)

Applied ICT for GCSE (Double Award)

Successful ICT Projects in Access (Successful ICT Projects) (GCE ICT)