books by publisher
PCCS Books

A Straight Talking Introduction to Caring for Someone with Mental Health Problems (Straight Talking Introductions)

The Human Being Fully Alive: writings in celebration of Brian Thorne

Incomplete Guide to Using Counselling Skills on the Telephone (Incomplete Guides)

Power, Interest and Psychology: Elements of a Social Materialist Understanding of Distress

Learning and Being in Person-Centred Counselling

First Steps in Counselling: A Students' Companion for Basic Introductory Courses

Tales of Unknowing: Therapeutic Encounters from an Existential Perspective

Demystifying Therapy

Contributions to Client-Centered Therapy and the Person-Centered Approach

Implausible Professions: Arguments for Pluralism and Autonomy in Psychotherapy and Counselling

Inside Out, Outside In: Transforming mainstream mental health practices

Next Steps in Counselling Practice: A students' companion for degrees, HE diplomas and vocational courses: A Students' Companion for Certificate and ... Certificate and Counselling Skills Courses

The Therapeutic Relationship: Perspectives and Themes

Person-Centred Work with Children and Young People: UK Practitioner Experiences

First Steps in Counselling: A Students' Companion for Basic Introductory Courses

Incomplete Guide to Referral Issues for Counsellors

Voices of the Voiceless: Person-Centred Approaches for People with Learning Difficulties

A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Diagnosis

Step in to Study Counselling

First Steps in Counselling: A Students' Companion for Introductory Courses

The Tribes of the Person-centred Nation: A Guide to the Schools of Therapy Associated with the Person-centred Approach

Next Steps in Counselling: a Students' Companion for Certificate and Counselling Course Skills (Steps in Counselling Series): A Student's Companion for Certificate and Counselling Skills Courses

Step in to Study Counselling: A Students' Guide to Tackling Diploma and Certificate Course Assignments (Steps in Counselling Series)

Sacred Science: Person-centred Inquiry into the Spiritual and the Subtle

Learning and Being in Person-Centred Counselling: A Textbook for Discovering Theory and Developing Practice

Congruence (Rogers Therapeutic Conditions Evolution Theory and Practice, Volume 1)

Empathy (Rogers Therapeutic Conditions Evolution Theory & Practice)

Unconditional Positive Regard (Rogers Therapeutic Conditions Evolution Theory & Practice)

First Steps in Counselling: A Students' Companion for Basic Introductory Courses