books by publisher
Pen & Sword History

Maladies and Medicine: Exploring Health and Healing, 1540 - 1740

Heartbeat and Beyond: 50 Years of Yorkshire Television: Memoirs of 50 Years of Yorkshire Television

An American Uprising in Second World War England: Mutiny in the Duchy

Br Diesel Locomotives in Preservation

Dickens' Artistic Daughter Katey: Her Life, Loves and Impact

Black Americans in Victorian Britain

Fatal Evidence: Professor Alfred Swaine Taylor & the Dawn of Forensic Science

The NHS at 70: A Living History

Tracing Your Ancestors Through Letters and Personal Writings: A Guide for Family Historians

Rituals & Myths in Nursing: A Social History

Same Sex Love 1700-1957

Mighty Healer: Thomas Holloway's Victorian Patent Medicine Empire