books by publisher
Penguin Books Ltd

The Guilty Dead

A Time in Rome

Dubin's Lives

Scottish Love Poems: A Personal Anthology

The Best of Bee Nilson

The Cretan Runner

The Life of Bertrand Russell

Touch: The Science of the Sense that Makes Us Human

Better Gardening

The Dark Mile

The End of the Third World: Newly Industrializing Countries and the Decline of an Ideology

The Affluent Society: Updated with a New Introduction by the Author


Solomon's Song

Cold Christmas

Further Transports of Delight

Who Got Einstein's Office?: Eccentricity and Genius at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study

The Pelican History of European Thought,Vol.6: The Age of the Masses: Ideas And Society in Europe Since 1870

The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation

The Penguin Book of Twelve Very Short Stories

Colour Bar: The Triumph of Seretse Khama and His Nation

Rethink: Radical Proposals to Save a Disintegrating World

Sociology of Marx

A Century of Women

Democracy and Participation

Philosophy and Philosophers: An Introduction to Western Philosophy


The Autobiography

Me and My Sisters: The Devlin sisters, novel 1