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Penguin Character Books Ltd

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Children's Ward: Deadly Enemies

By Helen White

I'm Stuck


"Tweenies": Bakers, Builders and Busy People

Baby Pom's Umbrella

Bob the Builder: Scruffy Works it Out

Order of the Phoenix Portfolio

By Union Square & Co. (Firm)

"Little Robots": Sporty Takes Off

"Top of the Pops" Caught on Camera: "Backstreet Boys"

By Top of the Pops

Rupert and the Secret Boat


Bob the Builder: Magnetic Lofty

Bob the Builder: Muck's Sleepover

"Bill and Ben": Garden Friends Sticker Book

The Lost Boy

By Gary Russell

"Animal Hospital": A-Z of "Animal Hospital"

Little Book of Puppies

The Crystal Snare: No. 5: Decide Your Destiny

By Union Square & Co. (Firm), Richard Dungworth

Big Cook's Cook Book

By Leanne Gill, Penguin Books (BBC)

Looking After Doodles

By Union Square & Co. (Firm)

Doctor Who Quiz Book

By Stephen Cole, Penguin Books (BBC), Leanne Gill

"Robbie the Reindeer": Hooves of Fire

By Glenn Dakin, Daphne Thomas

Best Bits the Challenges: v. 2

By BBC BOOKS, Kirstie Billingham

The Brollys: Old Puff and Blow

By Shirley Isherwood, S. Kettle

Bob the Builder: Scoop's in Charge

By Diane Redmond

Bob the Builder: Trailer Travis

"Teletubbies": Tinky Winky's Bag

Mortimer's Tie

By Joan Aiken, Quentin Blake

Growing Up in the People's Century

By John D. Clare

2 Tales from Teletubbyland: "Tubby Custard Mess" and "Po, Po Fast and Slow" - 2 Tales from Teletubbyland: Tubby Custard Mess and Po Po Fast and Slow (Teletubbies)

By Anon

2 Tales from Teletubbyland: "Four Happy Teletubbies" and "Dipsy Dances" - 2 Tales from Teletubbyland: Four Happy Teletubbies and Dipsy

By Davenport, Andrew

Bob's Big Story Collection (Bob the Builder S.)

By Redmond, Dianne