books by publisher

Pergamon Press

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Losing Ground: Environmental Stress and World Food Prospects (Pergamon Oxford Geographies S.)

By Eckholm, E. P.

Tunes on a Tin Whistle

By Crang, Alan

Chemicals for Crop Protection and Pest Control

By Green, Maurice Berkeley, etc.

Training in Small Groups

By Smith, B.Babington, Farrell, B.A.

Unwillingly to School: School Phobia or School Refusal - A Psychosocial Problem

By Kahn, Jack, Nursten, Jean P., Carroll, Howard C.M.

Handbook of Heterocyclic Chemistry

By Katritzky, Alan R.

Biogenesis of natural compounds

Principles of Industrial Microbiology

By Rhodes, A Fletcher, D L.

Introducing Corporate Planning: Guide to Strategic Management

By Hussey, D.E.


By Ben Butterworth

Introduction to Crop Husbandry

By Lockhart, J.A.R., Wiseman, A.J.L.

Unwillingly to School: School Phobia or School Refusal - A Psychosocial Problem

By Kahn, Jack, Nursten, Jean P., Carroll, Howard C.M.

Unwillingly to School: School Phobia or School Refusal - A Psychosocial Problem

By Kahn, Jack, Nursten, Jean P., Carroll, Howard C.M.

Urban geography. 2md edition

By James H. Johnson

Money and Monetary Policy in Less Developed Countries: A Survey of Issues and Evidence

By Coats, Warren L., Khatkhate, Deena R.

Worked Examples in Turbomachinery

By Dixon, Sydney Lawrence

A Course of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists Volume 3: Theoretical Mechanics

By Brian H. Chirgwin, Charles Plumpton

Solar energy: A course of lectures contributed in the 17th International Science School for High School Students

By Messel, H; Butler S.T

Physics by Experiment: Tchrs'

By Hockey, S.W., Mills, J.R.

Waste treatment

By Unidentified Author

English-French (Pergamon Oxford Bilingual S.)

By Harvard, Joseph, Rose, Felix

Chemical Engineering Design (Volume 6) (Chemical Engineering Technical Series, Volume 6)

By Sinnott, Ray

Renewable Energy: Technology and the Environment. 2nd World Renewable Energy Congress. Volume 5. Related Topics

By A. A. M. Sayigh

Carbon Dioxide, Climate and Society: I.I.A.S.A. Workshop Proceedings, 1978

By Williams, J.

Advances in Computer Chess: v. 3

By Clarke, M.R.B.

Sulphur in Proteins

By Torchinsky, Y.M.

Atomic Spectra

By W. R. Hindmarsh

Ocean Circulation (Oceanography textbooks)

By Open University



Psychopharmacology of Anxiolytics and Antidepressants (International Encyclopedia of Pharmacology and Therapeutics)

By File, S.E.