books by publisher
Peter Owen Publishers

West African Passage: A Journey Through Nigeria, Chad and the Cameroons, 1931-32

Hundred Days

Silent Prophet

Time to Stand and Stare: A Life of W.H. Davies with Selected Poems

Henrietta Maria, Queen of the Cavaliers

The World of Fanny Burney

Hitler's Loss: Cultural Exiles from Hitler's Europe


A Book of Nonsense
Two Serious Ladies

Hunted Down: The Detective Stories of Charles Dickens

Hidden Faces

Alberta and Jacob

My Double Life

Perlefter: The Story of a Bourgeois

Robert Cecil, First Earl of Salisbury: Servant of Two Sovereigns

Confessions of Dan Yack

Journey to the Orient

Foundations of Islam: The Making of a World Faith

Boy Caesar
The Dilly: A History of the Piccadilly Rent Boy Scene

H.G. Wells: Another Kind of Life

Weights and Measures

Beethoven Confidential and Brahms Gets Laid

Tolstoy, My Father: Reminiscences

Narcissus and Goldmund

Nina in Utopia
