books by publisher
Piatkus Books

Girl Gone Viral: the perfect feel-good romantic comedy

The Bride Wore White: escape to the glittering, scandalous golden age of 1930s Hollywood

Tell Me It's Not True

The Mind Workout: Twenty steps to improve your mental health and take charge of your life

Uncoupling: How to survive and thrive after breakup and divorce

Food Freedom Forever: Letting go of bad habits, guilt and anxiety around food by the Co-Creator of the Whole30

Curation: The power of selection in a world of excess

The Happy Birth Book: Your trusted A-Z of pregnancy, birth and the early weeks

Grace Under Pressure: Going the distance as an Aspergers mum

How Mothers Love: And how relationships are born

10 Mindful Minutes: A journal

Busy: How to Thrive in A World of Too Much

The Weekend Effect: The Life-Changing Benefits of Taking Two Days Off

It's Okay to Laugh (Crying is Cool Too): A memoir about loving madly and letting go

Talk To The Headscarf: A memoir

So Good They Can't Ignore You

Unplug: A Simple Guide to Meditation for Busy Sceptics and Modern Soul Seekers

WOLFPACK: How to Come Together, Unleash Our Power and Change the Game

A Mansion for Murder: Book 13 in the Kate Shackleton mysteries

Accidentally Engaged: deliciously romantic and feel-good - the perfect romcom for 2021

When Silence Kills: An absolutely gripping thriller with a killer twist

The Summer Girl

21 Truths About Love: an hilarious and heart-warming love story

The Turn: The Hollows Begins with Death


The Woman Left Behind


At Death's Door

The Woman Left Behind