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Himself And Other Animals: A Portrait of Gerald Durrell

By Hughes, David

The Spirit Of Britain

By Strong, Sir Roy

Complete Verse

By Belloc, Hilaire, Wilson, A.N.

The Bard

By Crawford, Robert

Never Give In!:The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches

By Churchill, Winston

The Crooked Timber Of Humanity

By Berlin, Isaiah


By James, Robert Rhodes

A History Of The Indians Of The United States

By Debo, Angie

Bernard Shaw

By Holroyd, Michael

The Battle For History: Refighting World War Two

By Keegan, John

Bath (National Trust S.)

By Sitwell, Dame Edith

V.S. Pritchett: A Working Life

By Treglown, Jeremy

Martin Nadaud

By Tindall, G

Traveller's Prelude: Autobiography, 1893-1927 (Traveller's S.)

By Stark, Freya

The Owl's Watchsong (Traveller's S.)

By Cuddon, J. A.

Voices From the Great War

By Vansittart, Peter

Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945

By Judt, Tony

In Morocco (Traveller's S.)

By Wharton, Edith

Horatio Nelson

By Pocock, Tom

Splendid! Splendid!

By Garnett/Aitken

The Boer War

By Churchill, Winston S.

The World As Sculpture

By Hall, James

Frontiers: The Epic of South Africa's Creation and the Tragedy of the Xhosa People

By Mostert, Noel

The Long Recessional: The Imperial Life of Rudyard Kipling

By Gilmour, David

From Counter Reformation to Glorious Revolution

By Trevor-Roper, Hugh

Hashish: A Smuggler's Tale

By Monfried, Henry de, Hamilton-Paterson, James

Pandora's Breeches: Women,Science and Power in the Enlightenment

By Fara, Patricia

William Kent: Architect, Designer, Opportunist

By Mowl, Timothy

Christina Rossetti: A Literary Biography

By Marsh, Jan

Osbert Sitwell

By Ziegler, Philip