books by publisher
Plough Publishing House

Salt and Light: Living the Sermon on the Mount

Fire, Salt, and Peace: Intentional Christian Communities Alive in North America

The Christian and the Sword: An Anabaptist Manifesto of 1577

The Gospel in Gerard Manley Hopkins: Selections from His Poems, Letters, Journals, and Spiritual Writings

Sex, God, and Marriage

Love Letters

Another Life Is Possible: Insights from 100 Years of Life Together

The Reckless Way of Love: Notes on Following Jesus

Eberhard Arnold: A Testimony of Church Community from His Life and Writings

The Gospel in Dostoyevsky: Selections from His Works

Water at the Roots: Poems and Insights of a Visionary Farmer

Behold That Star: A Christmas Anthology

Thoughts About Children
Discipleship: Living for Christ in the Daily Grind: Leader's Guide

The Scandal of Redemption: When God Liberates the Poor, Saves Sinners, and Heals Nations
Easter Stories: Classic Tales for the Holy Season

Thy Will Be Done: Sickness, Faith, and the God Who Heals

Six Months to Live: Learning from a Young Man with Cancer

A Plea for Purity: Sex, Marriage and God

Homage to a Broken Man: The Life of J. Heinrich Arnold

Everyone Belongs to God: Discovering the Hidden Christ

Why Forgive?

The Violence of Love

Discipleship: Living for Christ in the Daily Grind

In the Image of God: Marriage and Chastity in Christian Life

The Secret Flower: and other stories

Now Is Eternity: Comfort and Wisdom for Difficult Hours (Plough Spiritual Guides: Backpack Classics)

Cries from the Heart: Stories of Struggle and Hope

I Tell You a Mystery: Life, Death and Eternity