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Policy Press

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Social Justice and Social Policy in Scotland

By Gerry Mooney (The Open University (Scotland)), Gill Scott (Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University)

Exploring social policy in the 'new' Scotland

By Gerry Mooney (The Open University (Scotland)), Gill Scott (Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University)

Parents, Poverty and the State: 20 Years of Evolving Family Policy

By Naomi Eisenstadt, Carey Oppenheim

The politics of parental leave policies: Children, parenting, gender and the labour market

By Sheila Kamerman, Peter Moss

An Equal Start?: Providing Quality Early Education and Care for Disadvantaged Children

By Ludovica Gambaro (Institute of Education, University of London), Kitty Stewart (London School of Economics and Political Science), Jane Waldfogel (School of Social Work, Columbia University)

Including the excluded: From practice to policy in European community development

By Paul Henderson (Community Development Consultant)

Making spaces for community development

By Michael Pitchford, with, Paul Henderson

Contested communities: Experiences, struggles, policies

By Paul Hoggett (Director of the Centre for Psycho-Social Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Languages)

Managing Community Practice: Principles, Policies and Programmes

By Sarah Banks, Hugh L. Butcher, Paul Henderson, Jim Robertson

ASBO nation: The criminalisation of nuisance

By Peter Squires (School of Applied Social Science, University of Brighton)

Community Development: A Critical Approach

By Margaret Ledwith

Understanding Community: Politics, Policy and Practice

By Peter Somerville

Biography and social exclusion in Europe: Experiences and life journeys

By Prue Chamberlayne, Michael Rustin, Tom Wengraf

Community development and civil society: Making connections in the European context

By Paul Henderson (Community Development Consultant), Ilona Vercseg (Research Fellow (Community Development), Hungarian Association For Community Development)

Understanding social welfare movements

By Jason Annetts (School of Social and Health Sciences, University of Abertay-Dundee), Alex Law (Sociology Division, University of Abertay Dundee), Wallace McNeish (Sociology Department, School of Social and Health Sciences, ...

The Well-Connected Community: A Networking Approach to Community Development

By Alison Gilchrist

The idea of poverty

By Paul Spicker (Robert Gordon University)

Partnership working: Policy and practice

By Susan Balloch (Health and Social Policy Research Centre (HSPRC), University of Brighton), Marilyn Taylor (Author, Short Guide to Community Development 3e)

Understanding human need

By Hartley Dean

Community safety: Critical perspectives on policy and practice

By Peter Squires (School of Applied Social Science, University of Brighton)

Gendering citizenship in Western Europe: New challenges for citizenship research in a cross-national context

By Ruth Lister (Loughborough University and House of Lords), Fiona Williams (Department of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds), Anneli Anttonen (Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Tampere), Jet Bussemaker (Department...

School Governance: Policy, Politics and Practices

By Jacqueline Baxter

Towards a Social Investment Welfare State?: Ideas, Policies and Challenges

By Nathalie Morel (Sciences Po, France), Bruno Palier (Centre d'etudes europeennes, SciencesPo., France.), Joakim Palme (Director, Institute for Future Studies, Sweden.)

Social Happiness: Theory into Policy and Practice

By Neil Thin (School of Social Policy and Political Studies, University of Edinburgh.)

Welfare and well-being: Social value in public policy

By Bill Jordan (Department of Social Work, University of Plymouth)

The European challenge: Innovation, policy learning and social cohesion in the new knowledge economy

By Graham Room, in collaboration with, Jacob Dencik, Nick Gould, Richard Kamm

After Urban Regeneration: Communities, Policy and Place

By Dave O'Brien (Goldsmiths, University of London), Peter Matthews (University of Stirling)

Invisible Britain: Portraits of Hope and Resilience

By Paul Sng

EU Migrant Workers, Brexit and Precarity: Polish Women's Perspectives from Inside the UK

By Eva A. Duda-Mikulin (University of Wroclaw)


By Peter Beresford (Visiting Professor, University of East Anglia and Co-Chair, Shaping Our Lives, )