books by publisher
Praeger Publishers Inc

Urbanization and Rural Development: A Spatial Policy for Equitable Growth

Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities: A Guide to the Medical Literature

Media Education and the (Re)Production of Culture

Politics and Public Policy in Kenya and Tanzania

Political Thought in England, 1848 to 1914

Historical Archaeology: A Structural Approach in an African Culture

History of Soviet Russia

A Question of Self-Esteem: The United States and the Cold War Choices in France and Italy, 1944-1958

Poverty, Ethnicity, and Gender in Eastern Europe During the Market Transition

New International Economic Order: Towards a Fair Redistribution of the World's Resources

Manipulation of the American Voter: Political Campaign Commercials

Politics and Public Policy in Kenya and Tanzania

The Temple of Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future

From Caliphate to Secular State: Power Struggle in the Early Turkish Republic

Immaculate Warfare: Participants Reflect on the Air Campaigns over Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq

The Enemy with a Thousand Faces: The Tradition of the Other in Western Political Thought and History

European Labour and Multinationals
Agricultural Development of Jordan

Our Eminent Friend Edmund Burke: Six Essays

South Africa and the United States: The Erosion of an Influence Relationship

Expropriation of Multinational Property in the Third World

Social Impact Assessment: Experimental Methods and Approaches

Soviet Union and the Third World: An Economic Bind (Studies of the Harriman Institute)

Worker Militancy and Its Consequences, 1965-75

Take One: Television Directors on Directing (Contributions to the Study of Popular Culture)

New Directions in Discourse Processing (Advances in Discourse Processes)

Mass Communication Research: On Problems and Policies (Communication, Culture, & Information Studies)

Handwriting Analysis and the Employee Selection Process: A Guide for Human Resource Professionals

History As A System: and Other Essays Toward a Philosophy of History