books by publisher

Writing Sites: A Genealogy of the Postmodern World

WHSmith Using Word for beginners (WHSmith Microsoft guides)

The Politics of Global Economic Relations


An Introduction to Distributed and Parallel Computing

Sociology of the Global System (Social change in global perspective)

Workbook in Everyday Spanish: Bk. 2

Antonio Gramsci: A New Introduction

Corporate Finance and Investment

Simone de Beauvoir (Key Women Writers)

Biomechanics and Sports Technology

Signals and Systems: An Introduction (Prentice Hall International series in acoustics, speech, & signal processing)

Spaces for people: Human factors in design

C. Style: Standards and Guidelines

A Reader's Guide to the Twentieth-century Novel in Britain

New French Feminisms

An Introductory Guide to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture

Probability and Statistics for Engineers

Applied Statistics: A First Course

An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications

Research and Statistics: A Practical Introduction for Nurses

Nursing Research: A Skill-based Introduction

Islam: A Cultural Perspective (Prentice-Hall Series in World Religions)

Easy Reading Selections in English

Modern Investment Theory

The Global Economy: Resource Use, Locational Choice and International Trade

Organizational Behavoir, 8th Edition

Workbook in Everyday Spanish: Bk. 1

Computer Arithmetic: Architecture, Implementation and Analysis (Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science)