books by publisher
Prentice Hall / Harvester Wheatsheaf

International Relations Theory: New Normative Approaches

Economic Policy Making: Its Theory and Practice

The Mathematical Experience

Revolutionary Socialist Development in the Third World

Writing and Sexual Difference

Mystery Religion of W.B. Yeats

Contemporary Poetry Meets Modern Theory

Wealth, Poverty and Starvation: An International Perspective

"All's Well That Ends Well"

Myth of Deliverance: Reflections on Shakespeare's Problem Comedies

Margins of Philosophy

Production, Income and Welfare: Search for an Optimal Social Order

The Eighteen Nineties: Review of Art and Ideas at the Close of the Nineteenth Century

Theory of Reading

Women and Mental Illness: The Social Concept of Female Neurosis

Democracy, Bureaucracy and Public Choice: Economic Explanations in Political Science

Liberty, Market and State: Political Economy in the 1980s

Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe

Quotations in History: A Dictionary of Historical Quotations c.800 the Present

The Rise of the Modern State

Does Parliament Matter?

Concepts of Ideology

The Politics of the Police

State, Finance and Industry
Marx and Engels: The Intellectual Relationship

Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas

Wordsworth (New Readings Series)

T.S.Eliot (New Readings Series)