books by publisher

Prentice Hall Press

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Illustrated History of Modern Britain 1783 - 1964

By Richards, Denis, Hunt, J.W.

1 available

Physical Geography (Geographies: A Certificate Series)

By Cain, H.R.

1 available

Advanced English Practice Course

By Day, James

1 available


By Chapman, Garth, Barker, W.B.

Dynamic Programming: Sequential Decision Making

By Williams, Kenneth

Coursebk (Fourth Dimension)

By O'Neill, Robert, Mugglestone, Patricia

Organic Chemistry for Students of Biology and Medicine

By Taylor, G.A.

Arabs and the English

By Nasir, S.J.

First Lessons in Physical Geography

By Waters, G. H. C.

Functions of a Complex Variable

By Phillips, Edgar Giraldus

Construction Science: v. 2

By Smith, B. J.

Integral Equations

By Moiseiwitsch, B. L.

Basic Needlework

By Bull, W.Marie

Intonation of Colloquial English

By O'Connor, J.D., Arnold, Gordon Frederick

Why History?

By Reeves, Marjorie

Mysteries and Problems

By Lord, Eric

Juvenile Delinquency, the Family and the Social Group: A Reader

By Mays, John Barron

England's Apprenticeship, 1603-1763 (Society & Economic History of English)

By Wilson, Charles

Italian for You

By Lennie, Delia, Grego, M.

Absorbing English: Tchrs'

By Hemming, James, etc.

Early Projects

By Dowling, Marion

Primary Mathematics Today

By Williams, E.M., Shuard, Hilary

The Evolution of Medieval Thought

By Knowles, David

Critical Approaches to Literature

By Daiches, David

Politics and Society in De Gaulle's Republic

By Philip Maynard Williams, Martin Harrison

Power and Politics in Africa

By Bretton, H.L.

Tales of Greek Heroes (Heritage of Literature S.)

By Walsh, John Herbert

Unemployment and Inflation in the United Kingdom: Introduction to Macroeconomics

By Challen, D.W., etc.

With Statistical Appendix (Study in Child Development)

By Davie, Ronald, etc.

Black Jack

By Garfield, Leon