books by publisher
Prentice Hall Press

Life as a Prisoner

Introduction to Contemporary Cultural Studies

Milestones in Mass Communication Research: Media Effects

Secret Agent: A Simple Tale

Civil War England

Preface to Spenser

African Studies Since 1945: Tribute to Basil Davidson
In the Eye of the Storm: Angola's People

Statistical Methods and the Geographer

English Law for Business Studies

Origins of the Industrial Revolution
Microprocessors and Control

Electronics: Level 1
Basic Engineering Craft Course Workshop Theory: Mechanical

Construction Technology: v. 1

Construction Processes: Level 1
History of Buganda: From the Foundation of the Kingdom to 1900
Portuguese Settlement on the Zambesi
Revolutionary Change


Religious Institutions

Economic Structure

The Family

Welfare State


Patterns of Urban Life

Crime and Its Treatment
Rural Banking in Nigeria: Nigerian Institute of Bankers