books by publisher
Prentice Hall PTR

Implementing SAP R/3: How to Introduce a Large System into a Large Organization
UNIX System Administration Handbook

Effective Business Communication Instructor's Manual

The XML Handbook

Optical Fiber Communication

M68000 Eight, Sixteen and Thiry Two Bit Microprocessor User's Manual

The Essence of Digital Design (Essence of Engineering)

Sun Performance and Tuning SPARC and Solaris

Decline and Fall of the American Programmer (Yourdon Press Computing Series)
Creating Effective Software (Yourdon Press computing series)

The Essence of Optoelectronics (Essence of Engineering)

Enterprise Networking: Data Links Subnetwork

Strategic Information Planning Methodologies

Programming in C++ (Prentice Hall Software S.)

Numerical Methods (Prentice-Hall series in automatic computation)

The Essence of Management Accounting (2nd Edition) (Prentice Hall Essence of Management Series)