books by publisher
Puffin Books

High Pavement Blues

The Astronaut's Survival Guide

Second Fiddle

The Best Little Girl in the World

Alphabet Ice Cream: A Fantastic Fun-filled ABC

Do Your ABC's, Little Brown Bear

Dear Father Christmas

Meet Wild Boars

There's No Such Thing as A Ghostie

The Thief

Oliver and the Monsters

The Big Book of School Stories

Angelina on Stage

The Pochetto Coat


Johnny Jarvis

The Big Pets

The Story of the Three Little Pigs


Collected Stories for Children

The Adventures of King Rollo

Lotsa De Casha

The Puffin Book of Horror Stories

Casilda of the Rising Moon

After the Goat Man
Alice Adventures in Wonderland

Before Green Gables
The Booktime Book of Fantastic First Poems

Lucky Clucky