books by publisher
Reaktion Books

Dark Places: The Haunted House in Film (Locations)

Visionary Experience in the Golden Age of Spanish Art

The Destruction of Memory: Architecture and Cultural Warfare


Landscape and Englishness: Second Expanded Edition (Picturing History)

The Lost Princess: Women Writers and the History of Classic Fairy Tales

Art Theft and the Case of the Stolen Turners

Nights in the Big City: Paris, Berlin, London 1840-1930 (TOPOGRAPHICS)

Living by Numbers: In Defence of Quantity

The Shape of Things: a Philosophy of Design

Radio: Making Waves in Sound

Blaise Pascal: Miracles and Reason (Renaissance Lives)

Extinct: A Compendium of Obsolete Objects

Devil: a Mask Without a Face (PICTURING HISTORY)

Levitation: The Science, Myth and Magic of Suspension

The Idea of North (Topographics)

Samuel Beckett (Critical Lives)

Parrot (Animal Series)

The Remembered Film

Peter Lanyon: Modernism and the Land (Essays in Art and Culture)

Chrysanthemum (Botanical)

Strange Bright Blooms: A History of Cut Flowers

Ash (Botanical)

On Garbage

Bodies Politic: Disease, Death and Doctors in Britain 1650-1900 (Picturing History (Reaktion Books))

Twins: Superstitions and Marvels, Fantasies and Experiments

Cultures of Collecting (Critical Views)

A Short History of Tomb-Raiding: The Epic Hunt for Egypt’s Treasures

The Encyclopedia of Stupidity