books by publisher
Redemptorist Publications

I am My Body: Blessed Pope John Paul's Theology of the Body

Your Confirmation

Your Confirmation: A journey of questions and answers

The Order of Celebrating Matrimony Within Mass

The Eucharist

Journeying with Jesus: A Companion's Guide

Let's Go to Mass

Time for God: Happiness and the Need for Faith

The Reluctant Disciple: Daring to Believe

A Lent Companion: An Anthology of Reflections and Prayers for Those in Ministry.

Your Baby's Baptism

How to Survive as a Governor in a Catholic School: A Guide for All Governors Including Priests, Parents, Teachers, Support Staff and Those Responsible for Governor Training

How to Survive Working in a Catholic School: A Guide for Teachers and Support Staff

The Adventures of Freddie Freckles: Fr Tim's Tales for Christian Children: From Tim's Tales for Christian Children

Let's Go to Baptism

How to Survive Being Married to a Catholic

Revealed: A Catholic Youth Formation Ministry Resource

Let's Go the Way of the Cross

In Search of Belief

Intimate Moments: Conversations with Christ in John's Gospel

The Essence of Islam

Your Sunday Missal

The New GCSE Religious Studies Course for Catholic Schools (AQA)

The Art of Faith: A Lenten Journey Through Duccio's Maesta

Easter Triduum

The Stations of the Cross

Place Apart: Monastic Prayer and Practice for Everyone

The New GCSE Religious Studies: Course for Catholic Schools

Journeying with Jonah: The Struggle to Find Yourself