books by publisher

Observing Teaching and Learning: Principles and Practice

Access to Learning for Pupils with Disabilities

Visual Impairment: Access to Education for Children and Young People

Going to University Abroad: A guide to studying outside the UK

Organisational Change: Sociological Perspectives

Young Readers and Their Books: Suggestions and Strategies for Using Texts in the Literacy Hour

Language Policy in the Primary School: Content and Management

Coordinating English at Key Stage 1 (Subject Leaders' Handbooks)

Unemployment in Britain Between the Wars (Seminar Studies In History)

The Making of Modern English Society from 1850 (Development of English Society)

A History of England

Political Ideologies: An Introduction

Colloquial Russian: The Complete Course For Beginners (Colloquial Series)

Relativism (Central Problems of Philosophy)

Reluctant Disciplinarian: Advice on Classroom Management From a Softy Who Became (Eventually) a Successful Teacher

Stratification: Social Division and Inequality

Essential Skills for Influencing in Healthcare: A Guide on How to Influence Others with Integrity and Success

Corporate Politics for IT Managers: How to get Streetwise (Computer Weekly Professional Series)

High Altitudes (v. 1) (The World at 18000 BP)

The Caribbean in Europe: Aspects of the West Indies Experience in Britain, France and the Netherland (Legacies of West Indian Slavery)

Hoe And Wage: A Social History Of A Circular Migration System In West Africa (African Modernization & Development)

Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Politics

The French Revolution: Recent Debates and New Controversies (Rewriting Histories)

Foraging and Farming: Evolution of Plant Exploitation: 13 (One World Archaeology S.)

World in Crisis: Populations in Danger at the End of the 20th Century

Niger: Personal Rule And Survival In The Sahel (Profiles)

Unsettling Cities: Movement/Settlement (Understanding Cities)

City Worlds (Understanding Cities)

Financing Urban Shelter: Global Report on Human Settlements 2005