books by publisher
Russell House Publishing Ltd

Mental Disorder and Criminal Justice: Policy Provision and Practice

Elephant in the Room: An Equality and Diversity Training Manual

The New Politics of Youth Crime: Discipline or Solidarity?

The New Youth Arts and Crafts Book

Interacting: 60 Short Drama Scripts for Developing Skills in Drama, Performance and Getting on with People

Meeting the Stress Challenge: A Training and Staff Development Manual

Handling Aggression and Violence at Work

C is for Confidence: A Guide to Running Confidence Building Courses for Women of All Ages

Becoming an Effective Trainer

Responding to Adolescents: Helping Relationship Skills for Youth Workers, Mentors and Other Advisers

Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

Group Care with Children and Young People

Solution-focused Approaches

Anti-racist Work with Young People: European Experiences and Approaches

Parental Anger Management: The PAMP Programme

Evidence-based Social Care: A Study of Prospects and Problems

Substance Misuse and Childcare: How to Understand, Assist and Intervene When Drugs Affect Parenting

The New Youth Justice

Improving the Health and Well-being of Young People Leaving Care

The Barefoot Helper: Mindfulness and Creativity in Social Work and the Helping Professions

Social Work and Well-being

Social work assessment and intervention: 2nd edition

Managing Absence: A Handbook for Managers in Public and Voluntary Organisations

Employment Practice and Policies in Youth and Community Work
The RHP Companion to Foster Care

Positive Residential Practice: Learning the Lessons of the 1990s

The RHP Companion to Working with Young People

Youth Prostitution in the New Europe: The Growth in Sex Work

Fundamentals of Social Work in Selected European Countries: Historical and Political Context, Present Theory, Practice and Perspectives