books by publisher
SAGE Publications Inc

International Political Theory: Rethinking Ethics in a Global Era

Edmund Burke: Modernity, Politics and Aesthetics

Understanding Conflict and Conflict Analysis
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Politics of the Ordinary

The Augustinian Imperative: A Reflection on the Politics of Morality

Rethinking Green Politics: Nature, Virtue and Progress

Understanding Tourism: A Critical Introduction

Relationship Marketing: A Consumer Experience Approach

Focus Groups as Qualitative Research

Interpretive Biography

The Landscape of Qualitative Research: Theories and Issues

Health Policy: A Critical Perspective

Rob Long's Intervention Toolbox: For Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties

Quality of Life Research: A Critical Introduction

Understanding Reading Development

Doing Research with Children

Phonics: Practice, Research and Policy

Development Theory

Using Stata for Quantitative Analysis

The Practical Guide to Primary Classroom Management

Psychoanalytic Aspects of Fieldwork

A Discipline Divided: Schools and Sects in Political Science

Grassroots Associations

Working Under the Safety Net: Policy and Practice with the New American Poor

The International Handbook of Sociology

African Labor History

Textual Analysis: A Beginner's Guide

The Sport Star: Modern Sport and the Cultural Economy of Sporting Celebrity