books by publisher
Sage Publications Ltd

News Writing

Realist Inquiry in Social Science

Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School (Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher)

Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook

Work and Occupational Psychology: Integrating Theory and Practice

Marketing: An Introduction

Professional Decision Making and Risk in Social Work (Post-Qualifying Social Work Practice Series)

Subject Teaching in Primary Education

How Children Learn

The Psychology of Thinking: Reasoning, Decision-Making and Problem-Solving

Media and Crime (Key Approaches to Criminology)

Prisons & Punishment: The Essentials

Analysing Qualitative Data in Psychology

Essential Psychology

The Impact of the Social Sciences: How Academics and their Research Make a Difference

An Introduction to Life-Course Criminology

Evaluation Practice for Projects with Young People: A Guide to Creative Research

Global Shift: Mapping the Changing Contours of the World Economy

Learning, Teaching and Development: Strategies for Action

Social Work and Mental Health (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

Reflective Practice: Writing and Professional Development

Introducing Intercultural Communication: Global Cultures and Contexts

Student Workbook for Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers

Making Learning Happen: A Guide for Post-Compulsory Education

Achieving your Diploma in Education and Training

Social Work Practice: Assessment, Planning, Intervention and Review (Transforming Social Work Practice Series)

Doing Research in the Real World

Classroom Behaviour: A Practical Guide to Effective Teaching, Behaviour Management and Colleague Support

Researching Social Life