books by publisher
Saint Andrew Press
A New Harmony: The Spirit, The Earth and the Human Soul
A Simple Life: Roland Walls & The Community of The Transfiguration
Salted with Fire: Life-stories, Meditations, Prayers
Gentle and Passionate: Reflections from a Year as Moderator (On Reflection)
But I Say to You: Exploring the Gospel of Matthew
Outside Verdict: An Old Kirk in a New Scotland
Bridging the Gap: Has the Church failed the poor?: 1987 (Kerr Lectures)
Living and Loving the Mystery
The Invisible Church: Learning from the Experiences of Churchless Christians
Beatha Iosa Chriosd: A Gaelic Gospel - The Life of Jesus Christ
Views from Earth: A Collection of Occasional Poems from Twenty-One Years of Religious Broadcasts on Local Radio
George MacKay Brown: The Wound and the Gift
"Help...I'm Leading Worship!"
Under His Wings
"Help...I'm Leading Worship!": Worship Book
Stale Bread?: A Handbook for Speaking the Story
Light on Dumyat
Auld Testament Tales
The Future of the Family: A Crisis of Commitment
Deadline: The Story of the Scottish Press
Tales to Tell II
With Scorching Heat and Drought?
The Gospel of Matthew: v.2: Chapters 11-28
The Gospel of John: v. 2: Chapters 8-21
The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians
Ambassador for Christ
The Letter to the Hebrews
The Letters of the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians
The Gospel of Matthew: v.2